Dinokeng Game Reserve
Hunters Pride is situated in the Dinokeng Game Reserve in pristine Malaria free bush veldt which is only 40 km north of Pretoria and 100 km from OR Tambo International Airport. The reserve includes Government and privately owned land and Gauteng Province has already funded more than R50m as direct investment for Game purchase, game compliant electrified fencing and R15m towards construction and completion of Entrance Gates.
Phase 1 of the reserve, in which Hunters Pride is situated, covers 18,500Ha and already boasts more than 6 000 head of game consisting of more than 20 species including lion and elephant. Negotiations are under way to incorporate further landowners, which will add another 20,000Ha to 30,000Ha to the existing 18,500Ha. Dinokeng is a tourist destination which includes the Dinokeng Game Reserve on the extreme Northern border of Gauteng Province as well as the Dinokeng Meander with the Cullinan Mine, historic buildings, golf courses, Roodeplaat Dam, curio shops, handicraft industries and many more tourist attractions.